Larix decidua var. decidua - European larch

The European larch is native to the mountains of central Europe, particularly the Alps. It grows well in southern and central Finland and is common in the country’s oldest larch plantations. It has also been much used in landscaping. The trunk of this species is not, on average, of the same high quality as the Siberian larch (L. sibirica), which limits its use by the timber industry.

The oldest European larches at Mustila are from the Austrian Tyrol. They have grown well and are now large thick-barked trees. Planted European larch often suffer from larch canker but fortunately there has been little evidence of this at Mustila.

Ecologically the European and Siberian larches are very similar and can be used together as park trees. This offers an extended autumn colour period and colour variation, with the European species changes colour several weeks later than the Siberian. The best way to distinguish between the species is by the shape of the cone.

